In the world of online publishing, that’s a modest accomplishment. But here at Rural Sprout, it’s a huge deal, and it’s all because of you, our readers.
You may not know it, but most
of the big gardening websites out there are owned by a small handful of large online publishing companies that have nothing to do with gardening or homesteading.
Rural Sprout is one of the few places still owned by its founder, our budding green thumb, James. Every article you read at Rural Sprout is written by a small group of writers who love to grow, play in the dirt, and live the lifestyle we write about. (You can meet the whole Rural
Sprout family here.)
You won’t find any AI-written posts at Rural Sprout, just a bunch of gardeners committed to sharing what we know with our fellow green thumbs.
To celebrate this milestone, we wanted to thank you, our readers, for growing along with us. It’s you, who have made Rural Sprout the thriving gardening community it is today, and we’re so grateful to have you along with us on this journey.