Greetings Rural Sprout Readers,
Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads out there. Another week has come and gone. I hope it was a good week for all of you. It was a strange week in my household. My boys and I spent most of it isolating after a covid exposure. (We’re all clear.) It felt like a week of Sundays.Â
But I still managed to get quite a bit done, even with two teenage boys constantly saying, “I’m bored.” It’s amazing. You just suggest that they clean their room if they’re bored and suddenly, they find a multitude of other things to do to keep themselves occupied. It works every time.
How’s your garden coming along, friends?Â
I feel like our garden is behind compared to last year, no doubt due to our extra long cool spring. But that’s okay; it’s right on time for this year. Things will grow in their own time. I’m just being impatient. (I’m holding out for that first eggplant.)Â
In the meantime, it’s nice to check out the local farmer's markets.Â
I always feel a bit like I’m being unfaithful. I mean, I have a perfectly good garden at home. Why should I stray?
Because these local markets go hand in hand with your own garden. Even if you have the most glorious vegetable patch at home, I would encourage everyone to occasionally check out your local farmer's markets.Â
It’s a great way to try new varieties of vegetables without having to grow them yourself. And if you find you enjoy something quite a bit, you can plan to grow it next year. I discovered my favorite white Japanese turnips at a farmer's market.Â
Farmer's markets are also great for supplementing your own garden when crops fail.Â
It’s an unfortunate reality when gardening that not everything goes to plan each year. You may be inundated by a pest or have a plant succumb to a disease. Or maybe you had a bad summer storm, and your poor garden was beaten up by hail.
For whatever the reason, sometimes you need to fill in a vegetable gap in your own garden.Â
Farmer's markets are excellent for talking shop with other gardeners too.Â
Boy, if you want to know what pests are a problem in your area or how the weather has been affecting the growing season, talk to the growers at a local farmer's market. These guys know it all and are usually quite happy to share information.Â
Of course, one of my favorite reasons to check out farmer's markets is that I come home with plenty of items that I know will never grow in my garden – handmade soap, honey, and locally brewed beer, to name a few items.Â
I guess I’ll just have to be patient and wait for that eggplant, but in the meantime, I’ll enjoy the kombucha and the fresh eggs I brought home.Â
We’ve got plenty of new articles this week. And quite a few new ones lined up.Â
Reap The Benefits Of A Creeping Thyme Lawn
How To Properly Store Honey, Before & After Opening A Jar
Tomato Catfacing – The Ugly Truth About This Bizarre Tomato Problem
The Easiest DIY Herb & Flower Drying Screen Anyone Can Make
Why Is There White Foam On My Plants? Spittlebugs & What You Need To Know
Did you miss a newsletter or want to go back and read a few for inspiration? Click this link which takes you to our newsletter archives.Â
That's all for this week, Rural Sprout Readers.