Happy Sunday, Rural Sprout Readers,
Another week has come and gone and left us closer to spring. And what a week it was here in Pennsylvania. For those in the grip of winter, we received a respite, with temperatures in the mid-50s for a day or two.
The sun even managed to make an appearance for a bit.
It sent many of us scurrying for cover, hiding from that terrifyingly bright orb in the sky. Without the gray skies and bulk of our winter gear to shield us, we could see the results of our winter hibernation. (Although I didn’t need the sun to point it out, the snugness of my jeans says it all.)
Suddenly, I find myself craving the dimpled red and green leaves of new lettuce, the wonderfully sweet crunch of a sugar snap pea, and tart ruby-red stalks of rhubarb just begging to be made into my mother’s rhubarb custard pie.
The thought of eating yet another bowl of stew, another side of mashed potatoes, even starting another day with oatmeal has me wondering if I could just fast until spring arrives.
So, my garden planning has finally begun in earnest. Because let’s face it, nothing motivates like the desires of your stomach! I read through Cheryl’s list of February gardening jobs and started working through that to-do list as well.
I even started a couple of different types of sprouts on my counter so that I could enjoy something green and fresh and crunchy right away. As anyone who lives in an area that has cold winters can tell you, this False Spring won’t last long, nor will it be the only one that pops up before the real deal is here to stay.
I need something to keep me going until then.
Of course, I’m looking at the weather report for next week when the temperatures will dip again. And I’m not foolish enough to believe we’ve seen the last of the snow, but those couple of sunny days have primed the pump on my spring energy.
And how about you, my friend? Are you starting to feel the itch of spring fever? There’s always plenty to do as we pass through those final weeks of winter. Soon enough, we’ll be putting the snow shovel away and reaching for the garden hoe.
We’re in that strange stretch of winter where it begins to feel as though it will never end, and occasional days of spring-like weather find us rushing to cast aside our cold-weather gear. Put this time to good use now, and you’ll be ready for this coming growing season.
Don’t forget to take some time to enjoy this time of year too.
Around this time of year, at 3:50 in the afternoon, the sun lines up perfectly with my living room. It pops up above the building across the street and spills golden light into my windows. Everything feels warm and inviting, and this perfect lighting scenario lasts for about twenty minutes before the sun dips behind the building once again.
I’ve been making it a point to stop whatever I’m doing and bask in this light each day, even if it’s just to sip a cup of tea and stare at the shadows making their way down the wall.
What are you doing to pass the days? How is your garden planning coming along? Are your houseplants looking good? I hope you’re all well on this Sunday, dear readers. And speaking of tea, I’m all out, which means it’s time to sign off.
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That's all for this week, Rural Sprout Readers.